Monday, September 26, 2011

There's more to know in that Double Helix of yours... Would you want to know?

There is an effort underway at the National Institutes of Health to decrease the cost of producing a report of your DNA sequence to $1,000 by the year 2014. Imagine a DNA report that could help Doctor's predict a patient’s diseases years before symptoms occur. There are definitely positives to be had with this type of emerging technology, but what about the negatives?

Health Insurance companies might start requiring DNA sequencing reports from all applicants, even newborns before they are covered under your family plan. The Health Insurance Companies could still cover you, but identify all findings from the DNA sequence report as "pre-existing conditions" that are not covered on your plan. Preventive medicine would become the norm and from the overuse of medications, who can know what mutations/resistances will develop from the disease's we face today.

Use the below provided link to read more details.

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